
Implementing Moby: When 1 + 1 = Way More Than 2

Moby is the last of Lolo's adversaries, and the newest in the Lolo canon. With Moby comes a whole lot of coding problems and questions to answer. Like Gol, he waits in one of four directions for Lolo to pass by. Like a (reverse) Rocky, Moby will pull Lolo towards him. Unfortunately, pushing and pulling Lolo around suddenly makes Pushey code way more complicated .

Demo is here!

We're ready to present a bite-size demo of the game! Yes, some of you Lolo pros out there might gobble this up in ten minutes, but the point is Hey, it works! And you can try it now! We haven't been twiddling our thumbs, the project is real and now you can see it for yourself. We've been doing a lot of learning about how we'd ideally distribute this project, and there was even a false start where we thought we had a release but then the builds were faulty and we had to temporarily take down the downloads page. We have a Windows x64 version of the demo up now, and we're working on a Linux version and then an OSX x64 version. So head over to the "Downloads" page (or click this super convenient link ) and download the version you need. Again, only Windows x64 at the moment, but more are soon to come. Oh, and let us know what you think in the comments, especially if you run into issues. We'll wait 😄

Implementing Rocky: Who Wins When Push Comes To Shove?

Many gamers probably never have to think about the order in which entities perform their frame updates. If developers make their games immersive enough, then gamers never have to. But someone has to think about that nitty gritty stuff, and today it’s going to be me and you.

Mini-update 6

Fan games are awesome! We've been hard at work on ours, but there are so many other projects that deserve shout-outs that I would be remiss not to mention a few of them.

Implementing Gol: Code Reuse For The Win!

Well, dear reader, all our hard work together is paying dividends. I don’t think there was a single problem implementing Gol that wasn’t already solved somewhere else. It was just about putting existing pieces together. Regardless, let’s go over what those pieces were.

Mini-update 5

Welcome back to Lolo's adventures! Check out the castle we made! This castle will feature in our first game mode which we are calling Lolo: Return to Adventure. We are building a complete linear campaign in the style of The Adventures of Lolo with the explicit intention of giving players a satisfying set of puzzles that also (re)introduces them to every puzzle mechanic on offer in Eggerworld.

Who Is This For?

Eggerland was moderately successful thirty years ago and has since fallen into relative obscurity. It certainly doesn’t have a loud fan base like some other retro games. In fact, most people seem to say, “Oh yeah, I remember those games.” Not exactly the glowing reminiscence you see for other games like Curse of Monkey Island or Baldur’s Gate, both of which have seen highly-anticipated renaissances in the past few years.