
Showing posts from April, 2022

Mini-update 1

  Look at him all walking around like he's da boss. Lolo has movement in the puzzle room, and it feels just like the Adventures of Lolo NES games.

Implementing the Medusa Gang - Part 2

When we last met, we talked about implementing Medusa, who freezes our hero in place on line of sight:

Implementing the Medusa Gang - Part 1

Medusas are a staple of the Eggerland and Adventures of Lolo series, waiting stoically for Lolo to stroll into their gaze. Our mission is simple: when Lolo walks into the same horizontal or vertical as a Medusa, Lolo instantly turns to stone, a jarring sound jump-scares the player, and Lolo gets assailed by a wave of snakes . Medusas can catch Lolo through trees and over water but not through rocks or Emerald Frames, so the player can use rocks and Emerald Frames for cover.

Putting Lolo in a Puzzle Room

We’re developing our own engine from the ground up, with only a foundational library called LibGDX to handle graphics and input for us. We are doing nearly everything ourselves for maximum control as well as maximum learning. Here’s where we will begin: Not exactly a “puzzle” per se, but getting this far still took a lot of thinking This is one of the first ever screenshots of our then-untitled project. It’s just Lolo in an empty room with a heart frame and a chest. Still, there’s a lot of code and planning behind this screenshot. I think it’s worth talking about it, so let’s travel back in time just a bit and revisit the early thought process behind our game engine. If you didn’t bring a time machine, you can borrow one Credit to Jeremy from Sydney,  Attributions 2.0 Generic  license, cropped slightly. Original image here: The game is a “single screen” puzzle game, so there’s no sidescrolling to worry about. Lo

Bringing the Adventures of Lolo back to Eggerland -- About the project

Why hasn’t the Adventures of Lolo franchise been touched in many, many years? Nintendo and Hal Laboratory seem to be done with it, unless they’re using the Duke Nukem Forever approach for their next logical puzzler. What’s your history with the Adventures of Lolo and/or Eggerland? Post in the comments. Lolo's here to kick eggs and chew bubblegum... and he's all out of gum. We are LordBoarmont, ACalmMind, devnull, and helping friends. Eggerworld is our resurrection of the Adventures of Lolo & Eggerland. For decades we’ve been playing video games, thinking about them, and listening to fantastic video game music (currently I have the FTL full soundtrack playing!). Now... we’re making a game. This project serves two purposes for us: 1) to design a game engine, and 2) to prove we can complete a project. We are borrowing from Lolo so we can focus on those two goals and not worry about graphics, sounds, and frankly… story. Side quest- we just want to solve more puzzles! In this b