
Showing posts from May, 2022

Alma, Skull, and Leeper: Complex AI from Simple Instructions

Enemy AI is hard. I had us start with Medusa and Don Medusa because their movement is so straightforward. I can honestly say without hyperbole that I believe every other enemy's AI is more complicated.

So What's the Plan?

I love the Eggerland series, and it is a darn shame that there hasn’t been any official update to the series in more than 20 years. Lolo and Lala continue to exist in some small way in the Kirby universe as Lololo and Lalala, but they’ve strayed far from their roots as masters of puzzles. The Adventures of Lolo appeared on the Nintendo Switch Online NES library, but at this point I can solve all those puzzles in my sleep. I guess it’s up to the fans to keep the series alive. The love is still there, even if HAL has moved on. Some people share Eggerland for Windows 95 puzzles by exporting them and importing them as text files, but there could be a better solution in the current age. And there totally should be one! With the advent of services like Super Mario Maker and with the ease of access to tools like Amazon AWS, it seems like a no-brainer to me that something Mario Maker-esque is totally possible for Eggerland. Look, I’m sure this was acceptable in 1996, but we deserve better now

How did I start making video games?

Who wakes up one day and decides to write a video game into existence?