
Showing posts from July, 2022

Just Get It Done

Eggerworld is the latest in a long line of game engines I've written, but it's the first time I decided to share my personal process with the world. Something I've experienced many times is analysis paralysis, or the fear of making a “wrong” choice, and stalling. This is a personal challenge I face, though I suspect I'm not alone. My solution for Eggerworld is to embrace a simple motto: Doing it wrong is better than not doing it at all. Obviously this is not universal advice, and certainly not advice you want to hear from surgeons and architects. But when used responsibly, I think this motto has done a lot of good for my software development. In the case of game engineering, there were tons of questions I had at the start which kept me from starting in earnest. What is the best language to use? What libraries or frameworks? Which graphics library? How should games store world data? Do others build their own editors? I procrastinated because I didn’t want to poo the scre

Implementing Magic Shots

Lolo’s only “weapon” against the enemies in his adventures are the magic shots he collects from certain heart frames. Most enemies struck by a magic shot are temporarily encased in an egg which Lolo can then push around for cover just like an emerald frame. Magic shots are integral to his success, so let's look at how they work.