Mini-update 4

Everyone is here!

The project is progressing faster than we can share it! Big ol’ blog posts take time, time that we've spent on coding and art-ing and stuff instead. The deep dive posts are ongoing, but since there was a dearth of blog content for most of September, I’d like to catch you up on what we did get done by sharing a mini-post:

All three of these gifs were taken in Eggerworld; we're making things look as authentic as we can

All enemies have been completed! There will be posts about Gol, Moby, and Rocky at some point because each of them had their own surprise challenges for us to figure out. For now, I can confirm they are alive and kicking.

All tiles are completed! This includes grass, sand, trees, rocks, arrows, bridges (both regular and the Lolo 3 crumbling variant), emerald frames, doors, lava, everything. Oh, and water, which had its own surprise complications.

New puzzles are in progress! We believe the Eggerland series’ biggest area of improvement is the way it communicates its own mechanics. We are deeply focused on making puzzles that can teach newcomers without tutorials while still being satisfying brainteasers to experienced players. Perhaps it's a lofty goal, but we believe we can do it. And we can do better than ten-thousand stupid tutorial puzzles before the game even begins (I'm looking at you, Gameboy Adventures of Lolo).

We have begun a puzzle editor! How else do you think we could have made puzzles? Puzzle editors have kinda always been a first-class feature of the series, with Eggerland Mystery, Departure to Creation, and Revival! Eggerland all featuring in-game editors. We are prioritizing building a shareable demo first and foremost, but the editor is already very functional, we think you’ll love it when it arrives.

Hopefully that is enough for now! Sometimes, Calm and I also answer questions about the project when we stream various games on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so please stop by, say hello, ask questions, and have some giggles with us at Now pardon me while I iron out the kinks on that demo...


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