Mini-update 5

Welcome back to Lolo's adventures!

Check out the castle we made! This castle will feature in our first game mode which we are calling Lolo: Return to Adventure. We are building a complete linear campaign in the style of The Adventures of Lolo with the explicit intention of giving players a satisfying set of puzzles that also (re)introduces them to every puzzle mechanic on offer in Eggerworld.

The Eggerland games have lots of game modes like labyrinths, timed puzzles, special objectives, custom puzzles, and a buttload of unexplored potential to boot. We believe Return to Adventure will serve as a stepping stone to give both new and experienced players the confidence they need to understand and enjoy everything else after it. Critically, we believe we’ve curated a set of puzzles that successfully teaches new players while feeling like more than a tutorial. So far it has entertained testers of all skill levels. If we do our job right, you’ll never even realize we’re carefully teaching you the mechanics of the game the whole time.

Maybe you can see the stars we’re aiming for with our offline content, or more specifically the Superstars; we are taking inspiration from Kirby Superstar and its multiple smaller game modes. Like Dyna Blade, maybe the next game mode will feature a Lolo 3-style world map. Maybe we’ll build an Eggerland-style labyrinth that invokes the feeling of The Great Cave Offensive. One day we hope to tap into Lolo's entire extensive legacy so we can put multiple spins on its fundamentally fun game engine. We’re pretty happy with the Spring Breeze we’ve built so far and we think you will be too.


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