
Showing posts from 2023

Demo is here!

We're ready to present a bite-size demo of the game! Yes, some of you Lolo pros out there might gobble this up in ten minutes, but the point is Hey, it works! And you can try it now! We haven't been twiddling our thumbs, the project is real and now you can see it for yourself. We've been doing a lot of learning about how we'd ideally distribute this project, and there was even a false start where we thought we had a release but then the builds were faulty and we had to temporarily take down the downloads page. We have a Windows x64 version of the demo up now, and we're working on a Linux version and then an OSX x64 version. So head over to the "Downloads" page (or click this super convenient link ) and download the version you need. Again, only Windows x64 at the moment, but more are soon to come. Oh, and let us know what you think in the comments, especially if you run into issues. We'll wait 😄